The Wim Hof Method (WHM) has officially gone mainstream. Benefits like a strengthened immune system and reduced stress help explain why, especially in today’s society. It is a simple practice that offers huge results, and all it takes is focused breathing, cold immersion and commitment. A book about the method penned by Wim Hof has become a Sunday Times Bestseller. The WHM has recently featured in a full episode of Gwyneth Paltro’s Netflix series, ‘The Goop Lab’. I’ve had the privilege of watching the WHM grow, during more than half a decade of practicing it myself.

My name is Scott Riley, and the I’ve been teaching the Wim Hof Method for over three years as an officially certified instructor. The WHM was an integral part of a journey that I can now joke was my path from ‘chronically ill, to chronically awesome’. In June 2014 I hit a rock bottom point that left me suffering from Rheumatoid Arthritis, weighing 270 lbs and suicidally depressed. Thankfully now I’m much healthier, physically and mentally. My R.A. has gone into full remission and I am now over 100 lbs lighter. I have finally found meaning and purpose in life too, teaching and helping others.

My healing journey is a long and complicated story, which makes me appreciate the simplicity of the Wim Hof Method even more. In recovering my health, at times I had to take leaps of faith on anecdotal evidence, but the WHM is backed by empirical evidence and hard science. The man behind the method, Wim Hof often says what he can do, anyone can do. With the same training, he’s right. I’ve climbed to the snowy peaks of Polish mountains with Wim wearing only a pair of shorts, boots and a hat. I’ve lead groups up the same mountain myself, with the same method.

The purpose of the Wim Hof Method isn’t to become resilient to the cold, although that is an added benefit. It isn’t to get cool Instagram photos either (temperature pun intended). It’s much, much deeper than that. To get a better of understanding of the method, it can help to know where it came from and discover Wim’s story. A life-long seeker and yogi, tragedy struck Wim when his beloved wife, Olaya sadly lost her life to suicide. She had been a long sufferer of mental health issues. This was a big drive to help Wim teach others all he had learned to become happy, healthy and strong.

In 2012, a case study on Wim by M. Kox, M. Hopman, P. Pickkers. et al. at Radboud University was a huge turning point in lending Wim’s method some scientific credibility. In short, the study showed Wim was able to voluntarily influence his autonomic nervous system and as such, also his innate immune response. This was groundbreaking science, proving something that until this time had previously been thought impossible. In 2014, another study backed this up by showing a group of trained ‘Hoffers’ were able to replicate Wim’s feat from the original study, two years earlier.

Many more studies have been conducted on Wim and his method in the years that have followed, with incredible results. Many benefits to a wide range of health conditions have been found that you can read more about here: and you can discover the science and studies behind in more detail here: The method isn’t just about helping sick people to become healthier though. The WHM can be used to improve general wellbeing and athletic performance. I’ve personally trained Olympians and pro-athletes.

One of the best things about the Wim Hof Method is that it’s really easy to get started for free by downloading the official app. For those who want to dive deeper, there are certified instructors just like me around the world who offer retreats and workshops that offer the full WHM experience first hand. During a global pandemic, guiding people through controlled breathing in groups has become next to impossible. However, if you’re interested in online training, it’s possible to contact me directly through my coaching practice, Causeway Living via
